Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)

  • Sale
  • Regular price $39.22

Hardiness Zones: 3–9

Tree Type: Small tree/shrub, deciduous

Mature Size: Height of 3-12' and a spread of 3-12' at maturity

Growth Rate: Slow rate, with height increases of less than 13" per year

Sun Preference: Full sun to part shade

Soil Preference: Acidic, loamy, moist, rich, well-drained, sandy, and clay soils; tolerates

poor drainage

Shape: Upright rounded

Bloom Period: April-July

Wildlife Value: This is a host plant for the Henry's Elfin butterfly and is beneficial for

other pollinators as well. The fruit is eaten by over 48 species of birds, as well as other

small mammals. The foliage is browsed by deer and rabbits.

Other Uses & Notes: Can be toxic to humans. Is often used for Christmas decorations.

Seedling Size: 6-12"

***Price includes 6% sales tax***