White Pine (Pinus strobus)

  • Sale
  • Regular price $63.60

**These trees can come already potted and 3-5' tall! Or, you can choose to get 8-14 inch bareroot seedlings**

Hardiness Zones: 3–8

Tree Type: Evergreen

Mature Size: Height of 50–80' and a spread of 20–40' at maturity

Growth Rate: Fast rate, with height increases of more than 24" per year

Sun Preference: Full sun to partial shade

Soil Preference: Acidic, moist, well-drained, and sandy soils; low salt

tolerance; it does best in moist soil, but the tree can tolerate

everything from dry, rocky ridges to bogs

Shape: Oval

Wildlife Value: Favored by black bears, rabbits, squirrels, and many birds,

especially red crossbills; the bark is eaten by mammals such as beavers, hares,

porcupines, rabbits and mice; used for nesting by woodpeckers, common grackles, mourning doves,

chickadees, and nuthatches.

Other Uses & Notes: State tree of Michigan! Provides excellent screen and windbreak.

***Price includes 6% sales tax***