American Hazelnut (Corylus americana)

  • Sale
  • Regular price $49.82

Hardiness Zones: 4–7

Tree Type: Small tree/shrub, deciduous

Mature Size: Height of 5' to more than 8'

Growth Rate: Medium to Fast rate, with height increases of 13" to more

than 24" per year

Sun Preference: Full sun to partial shade

Soil Preference: Moist, well-drained soils. Tolerates alkaline soil and occasional drought

Shape: Multi-stemmed, Round, Thicket-forming

Bloom Period: March–April

Wildlife Value: Hazelnuts have a higher nutritional value than acorns and are a protein

source for many types of wildlife, including wild turkey, ruffed grouse, woodpeckers,

blue jays, chipmunks, squirrels, and foxes. Thickets provide shelter and nesting areas

for wildlife as well.

Other Uses & Notes: Provides good windbreak or visual screen, must plant two shrubs for pollination.

Seedling Size: 6-12"

***Price includes 6% sales tax***